June 15th, 2023

Timefold Solver 0.9.39

Full Changelog: https://github.com/TimefoldAI/timefold-solver/compare/0.9.38...0.9.39

How to use Timefold Solver

To see Timefold Solver in action, check out the quickstarts. To develop with Timefold, the Solver jars are available in the central maven repository.

With Maven, just add the timefold-solver-core dependency in your pom.xml to get started:


Or better yet, import the timefold-solver-bom to avoid duplicating version numbers when adding other Timefold Solver dependencies later on:


With Gradle, just add the timefold-solver-core dependency in your build.gradle to get started:

dependencies {
    implementation 'ai.timefold.solver:timefold-solver-core:0.9.39'

New Contributors

  • @aalmiray made their first contribution in https://github.com/TimefoldAI/timefold-solver/pull/13
  • @ge0ffrey made their first contribution in https://github.com/TimefoldAI/timefold-solver/pull/18
  • @mcimbora made their first contribution in https://github.com/TimefoldAI/timefold-solver/pull/23
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